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Eight-word Story (08/16/2019)

She fell into the pool, blood on clothes.


I was with the gang that night. They've been with me since we were kids. They've always been there no matter what. We knew everything about each other. We were a family. Since our families fell apart, we acted as a real one. At the time we didn't know how close our friendships would be, and we also didn't know that we chose our family.That night, changed everything. John, Ray, Elizabeth, and Brittany and I were walking down the street, making our way to the store.

"So how's it going with Trey, Delilah?" Lizzy asked. Everytime someone even mentions his name, I melt like an ice cube.

"Amazing, we're in looove." I say covering my face with my hands so no one can see me blushing.

"Love?" John asks.

"Yeah. Love. We're in love." I say again, this time filled with more emotion.

Suddenly, Ray says my name. "Delilah..."

At this point everyone stopped. It was the way he said it that made everyone stop. For some reason, I get this feeling that something bad is going to happen. I turn around, slowly,

"Yes?" I ask facing him. He doesn't say anything.

He just points, in the direction that we were walking. I turned around, and I see. I didn't catch it before, but it was right in front of me. It was clear. I saw Trey, and some other guy...fighting. Without thinking, I run. I run so fast that I feel like I'm flying. I step in between them, and I stop his fist, the other guy. I hold his fist, and crush his knuckles. Then I punch him in the face, and trip him. He falls, and I kick him.

"Don't you ever, and I mean EVER, mess with him again." I yell in his face. I turn around and see the look Trey gives me. "What? You're not the only strong one." I tell him helping him up. He doesn't say anything, he just kisses me. When we pull apart, he whispers quietly,

"My hero". And we press our foreheads against each other. That's when we hear the crowd whoop and holler. We look up, and people around us are cheering. I see the gang, and all except one are smiling. Ray. Somehow, somewhere deep inside, I feel bad, because he isn't happy and I am. But that's a story for another time.

In Clarissa's Diary

July 17th 2019

Dear Diary,

Today was a good day.Scratch that, today was unlike any other. Andrew proposed to me on our bridge. Wow, OUR bridge. It's where we used to go all the time since we were kids.It's a magical place. I can't believe I'm going to be Mrs. Clarissa Summerfield. I love Andrew. And it's not because he put this diamond on my finger. It glamorous, but it doesn't belong. I can't tell him that, he'll get hurt. I can't let anyone else get hurt. I just gotta keep it in. Ooh..Andrew's coming back, I'll write when I can.

-Clarissa Fairchild

September 1, 2019

I got married today. I'm happy...I think. No I'm happy..kinda. I mean, I should be, right? Andrew, he's life. Yeah, he is, right? I don't get it. I marry a man I've known my whole life. I'm married, now. Isn't this the happiest day of a woman's life? Isn't it? If that's so...why isn't it? Why don't I feel...happy? Why did I have to...pretend, in front of everyone. Maybe I'm just tired, of everything that happened today. I'll probably feel better. I probably need some sleep. Yes, that's what I..I think. I need rest..I'll be fine..I will, it'll be just like before. There's no reason I shouldn't be happy, right? Everyone deserves it. I'm just tired...that's all...that's all...

-Clarissa Fairchild-Summerfield

December 21, 2020

Oh my, it's been awhile since I've written in this ragged journal. So much has happened, but nothing of importance. The major things, though, are that one, Andrew has been away. He's been drafted. He's probably somewhere in Iran, right now. I haven't heard anything for a few months. I feel like crying. Actually, I am. Great now I have tears on this journal. Omi..the letters are smearing. Clarissa keep it together. I'm writing this down, so I remember. I hope Andrew never finds this. But..Andrew, if you are reading this, it'll be too late. I am happy. For once, I really am. I'm getting married to Jace Wayland. He's had my heart since the beginning. No one can take him away again. I'm expecting...I found out a few months ago. But in 1 week from today, I will be Clarissa Fairchild-Wayland. As for Andrew...he's a liar, and a cheater. He uses the war as an excuse to be a womanizer. But somehow, I know that my heart was never his. soulmate.

-Clarissa Fairchild-Summerfield

December 25, 2020

Dear Andrew

Once you read this, you'll be mad. Hell, I'm mad. I was stupid. I couldn't take it. I was alone..for too long. Andrew..I love you. But I'm not IN love with you. I can't believe I didn't see this before, but I don't think I ever..was. I guess...I was blinded, I didn't want to lose you. I love you, but I can't do this. I can't I said I did something stupid. Well..two things. I was stupid, because...I never intended on...marrying you. And two, I was walking down the street a few months ago. I ran into someone. We caught up, and I realized something. I have always...been IN love with him. You never met him, even though we were best friends, I hid him, because I didn't want you to be jealous. I won't tell you who it is, because I don't want you coming after him. Or me. child. Yeah Andrew...I'm pregnant..I'm 6 months in. I'm having a girl. I know you said we'd try one day, but Jace, I love him. I love you, but not in the same way. I was going to change my mind, and stay loyal. But then i got a letter. It was from a woman in Afghanistan. It was addressed to you. It was a love letter. She even..she sent money, you guys. Kissing, and others. In the letter, she explains how she's glad she's your wife, and how you need to return home to her. I wanted to think it was a mistake, but she...she sounded too genuine. And pictures don't lie. While I remained loyal, you were out in the world being a womanizer. So I just told myself, that I'm not yours. Andrew, I love you, I always will, but you can't tell one woman she's your wife, when you belong to another. So, I'm gone. If you find this, just know, it all started with you...



"Fine. I'm gone." I said sobbing. All I'm wearing is my sleeveless nightgown, and my flip flops. It's pouring outside, and I slam the door to my house. I just got into this massive fight with my parents, and none of my siblings would back me up. I just couldn't take it anymore. All we do is fight and finally my dad yells,

"Get out. Just leave. We can't have you in here with what we know now. Just go!! Joyce, call everyone. Millie doesn't deserve the people's support." And my mom listened to what he said and picked up the phone.

So here I am, in the pouring rain. Running to my boyfriend Josh's house. When I get there, I knock three times. Someone opens the door.

"Oh, my dear. Millie, what are you doing out there in the poring rain? And in your nightgown? Oh, Millie, get inside now." the woman says. It's Josh's grandma.

"Thank you Ms. Applegate. Sorry, there's just so much going on right now." I say coming inside.

"JOSH, GET DOWN HERE!!!" She yells, then turns to me and says, "I bet. It's okay. I know what's been going on. Stay here as long as you need." she smiled and handed me warm clothes. Josh slowly decends the stairs.

"Yes, Nana? Am I dreaming, or do I see Mills?" he says rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Josh..." I say.

"Mills...what are you doing here? It's almost midnight. Are you okay?" He asks rushing over seeing the tears coming down my face.

"J-J-J-J-Josh..."I try saying but I can't finish because I'm sobbing. But he doesn't care he just holds me tight and tells me that he loves me.

"Shhh..Millie, shhh. I'm here." He tells me kissing my forehead. Josh's grandma comes in with a soft, brown blanket and puts it around my shoulders.

"There you go Millie." She said giving me a warm smile.

"Thanks Ms.-"I try saying put she cuts me off.

"Call me Nana, dearie." she says patting my shoulder.

"Thank you Nana." I say forcing a smile.

She leaves and I'm alone with Josh. I look at him in his eyes. He wipes the tears from my face, and kisses me. I pull away and start crying again.

"Okay, Camille. What is going on?" He asked me looking concerned.

"They kicked me out.." I say, letting the tears just fall down my face.

"Wait, your parents...why? Mills, what happened?" He asked not quite getting it.

"Because they found out...uh..oh jeez." I say shaking my head.

"Camille?" He says, firmly, eyes full of wonder.

"I'm...i'm..I'm pregnant..." I say looking at the way his expression changed.

"You're WHAT? No. I'm not ready to be a father. Camille. What the hell." he said moving away from me.

"I didn't ASK to get pregnant, it just...happened. And I'm not ready to be a mother either..."I say moving closer. But he just keeps moving away.

"Camille. I love you, but you can't be pregnant. Can't you just get like an abortion, or isn't there such thing as like i don't know having a miscarriage?" he said hopeful that I wasn't going through with it.

"What? No. I mean there is, but I would never danger a new life like that. You know me, Josh. Why would you think that?" I say disgustingly.

"All I can say Camille, is it seems like I don't know you anymore." he said infuriated.

"What are you saying Josh?" I ask in disbelief.

"I'm saying. Nana, grab the shotgun." He says calmly.

"Sorry Millie." Nana says sadly giving the shotgun to Josh.

"You have exactly ten seconds to get the hell out of my house, and my life. You are a disgusting repulsive pig." He said aggressively.

I quickly ran out of the house, and saw him come out onto his porch, and shoot his gun. It missed me by 2 feet. Two feet. And I just ran, with tears in my eyes, streaming down my face, and disappearing into the puddles the rain already dropped. Hours pass, and I just come to a stop. I fall, and can't pick myself back up. I lay on the ground for a fw minutes, and I look up. Right in front of me stands, my sanctuary.

"Ma'am. Are you okay? It's almost 3:00 in the morning. What are you doing?" they ask.

"'m...I'm pregnant....and....i...have no go...." I stop because I'm breathless and I start sobbing again.

"Oh, ma'am. I'm so sorry. Here, come with me." they say, helping me up. I finally look to see who it is.

"Veronica?" I say questioningly.

"Camille?" She asks. I nod my head, and she just pulls me into a hug. The she walks me right inside.

"Where am I?" I ask curiously.

"My place. You're safe here." she says.

"Thank you!" I say,tears coming down my face. This time, unlike the others, they were happy tears.

8 ½ months later I deliver a beautiful baby girl. I name her Amelia. I let word go around, and my parents come back into my life, and apologize. They treat Amelia better than they've ever treated me, but then again, they did lose their little girl. They lost me, but I never lost myself. Everyone just thought I did. But I'm here, I'm not lost. And I have a beautiful daughter to prove it.

The Psychopath and The Schitz.

It used to be the good days. It was always us. Irene and Ash, Ash and Irene. We had good days, we had bad days. But none quite like that one. The night it all went downhill. The day I found her on my front lawn rocking herself back and forth. SHe had a terrified look on her face, and was mumbling something I couldn't quite pick up. But as I was about to say something, She stopped rocking, her expression returned to normal, and she looked at me.

"Where am I? Why am I here? WHy did you bring me here?" She asked, scared.

"I didn't."I had told her. "You did. Now I don't know what's going on but..." I tried saying, but she cut me off.

"No. What the hell is wrong with you. Just...just drive me home. Please." she said finally.

So that's what I did. I got my keys, and I drove her home. After that A few weeks later, I got a call from the hospital Irene was admitted by her parents that day and diagnosed with schizophrenia by the doctor. That's when I came up with a plan, which will come into play later on in the story. I tried to visit her, but she would yell at me, and after awhile it got hard to visit her, because I couldn't visit her without getting hurt in some way. More emotional than physical, due to how much of a schizophrenic she was, she was strapped to her bed. It terrified me, but still, I came, and I would offer her things.

"Irene, it's your favorite drink. Come on." I had told her one day in her room.

"Get THAT away from me. Who are you anyway?" She screamed.

"Who am i? It's ash. Your best friend. And no, this will help you remember. You always loved it growing up." I had said giving her the bottle. She slapped it away and it fell on my lap. I flinched at the coldness, but was careful not to upset her, just in case she got mad again. But like before, she did the same thing. After she spilled it on me, she giggled, and asked me to read to her. So I did. And that's the last time I came to visit her. Because the next day, she was gone.

As I walked out of the hospital I wondered where she was, how she escaped and what she was doing. I walked to my car and opened the door and sat down slowly, closing the door. I started thinking and thinking , she wouldn't know where to go. She knew if she went home, her parents would send her back. She wouldn't go to my house because I mean she can't even stand me when I went to see her. Then suddenly I knew. I knew exactly where she was. Throwing my bag into the passenger's seat I started to drive to our spot. The only place I know Irene feels safe. Upon arriving, I hesitantly walked up the trail. I saw the rock and moved in closer and saw Irene. Her face in her knees, still wearing the hospital gown. Quietly moving closer, I sat halfway on the rock, my feet ready to run if I needed to. Irene looked up, a single teardrop falling before she wiped her face and began to mutter. Letters, and numbers. Not being able to understand, or hear her, I tried to move closer. She grabbed my arm, her breath brushing against my face, as she began to say something. Running around with her word I started getting frustrated but my plan would be ruined if i let it show. I let her run around a bit more until I said "I'm here just say what you need to say."

But then she didn't say anything at all, she just wept in my arms. I just did the only thing i could at that moment. I held her.

"Look what you've done to me." she said finally.

"You deserve it." I said.

"You just don't want to get caught." She said moving away from me.

"I don't and I won't." I said smiling.

"You won't get away with it." she said standing up.

"I won't? But, Irene, I already have." I say standing up myself.

I quickly grabbed her and stuck a needle in her side. She fell into my arms almost immediately. I carried her to my car, and layed her in the back seat. I drove back to the hospital, and ordered the doctors to santurize her. They did as told, considering my father was the head of the hospital, and Irene's parents agreed with me anyway. Irene didn't wake up until two days later and I was right there when she did wake up.

"You. You did this to me." she said in a raspy voice.

"What are you talking about?" I say with a smile.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about." she said starting to sit up, her voice getting firm.

"Irene, girl, it's all good. You just woke up, we'll talk when you actually are conscious and fully awake." I say getting up. But she quickly grabs my wrist and pulls me back down on the chair.

"No. We talk, right now!! The doctors are saying something outrageous, and I know it was you who told them." she said staring into my hazel grey eyes.

"Irene, you're probably just hearing things." I said staring back in her dark brown eyes.

"Damn right. Ash, I didn't do all those things they said. I didn't. You are making it up. You have to be. " she said getting scared.

"Of course I did. Well most of it anyway. It was just a few people. But who'd believe you anyway. You are, after all the schizophrenic." I say snickering quietly.

"Why couldn't you have been the Schiz.?" Irene asked grumbling.

"Because, my plan wouldn't work. I'm the psychopath, and you're the Schiz. You do my bidding for me so my hands are clean. And I'll never get caught." I say, this time laughing humorously.

"How many people, Ash..." she asked with a terrified look in those small yet beautiful brown eyes.

"Oh, only far." I say serious.

"Oh 'only 3 so far' Ash, I can't do this." She says practically begging me.

"You can and you will." I say standing up, and turning up the monitor by her bedside. "Nighty Night...." I say watching her eyelids grow heavy and close completely.

I knew it was going to take Irene at least two days to wake up, perfect for me to plan the next phase of this plan. Everything was falling into place, sooner than I thought but,you know what they say. The sooner the better. As I walked to my car I saw Irene's parents walking in. I stopped where I was and fixed myself, holding back from blinking so the tears would come naturally.

"Oh I didn't expect to see you guy's here." I muttered almost at a whisper. "She hasn't woken up yet, I'm starting to get worried." Her mother looked at me and said,

"Well the doctor says she doesn't respond well to the medication so they have to keep putting her to sleep to give it to her." The tears began to fall so naturally I started sobbing

"I-I should go I don't think it's doing me any good being here. I'll come back tomorrow." Finally getting to my car, I wiped the disgusting tears off my face "ugh I hate crying for that swine" pulling out my ringing phone, I answered and heard a voice

"It's all ready all we need is the signal."

"I'll tell you when I'm ready so stop trying to pressure me it's not going to work. You do my bidding, not the other way around." I drove to my apartment where I had my plan perfectly set up. I walked in and it's a mess. Someone was there. In a panic, I began to fix it again but whoever was here was smarter and faster than me. All the papers were ripped to shreds leaving a trail of paper all the way to the bedroom. I walked in and saw someone...

"Irene? What the hell are you doing here? I-I just saw you at the hospital. The medicine couldn't have run out that fast." I mutter. She looks at me with hatred in her dark brown, isolated eyes and I don't blame her, but Irene's too dumb to do anything. I know her better than she knows herself. This was going to be the easiest thing I've ever done.

"You see Ash I played along with this dumb little game of yours but the ball was in my court the whole time. Just like you have connections, I have way more and it's not going to be so easy to run this time. The choice is yours. And the medicine? It wasn't even connected to my body. The tube was connected to the little doll you gave me. The one that was connected to me, was filled with Benadryl. You have been drugging me. Which would explain why I don't remember anything I did. It was a drug that made everyone think I was a schizo. But I was never really. You really had everyone fooled. But not me. Well, actually, to a certain extent, but that's not gonna work anymore. I caught you. " Irene laughed an evil laugh. I've never seen her like this; Did I create this monster? It didn't matter because a part of me loved it.

"Oh, Irene. What are you going to do...kill me?" I asked curiously knowing she wouldn't ever dare do anything to hurt me.

"I mean...I should ...but you don't deserve to die. You deserve to suffer. Like I did. I'm your best friend. What the Hell is wrong with you?" she yelled out infuriated.

"Best friend? You're so stupid. Correction.... 'Were' you WERE my best friend. You've been nothing but a tool lately. A useless tool." I said giving her my rbf.

"A tool. Yeah. I know you're hiding something even bigger. Your eyes show it. I know-"she started but I cut her off.

"Oh yeah?What do you know?? Because to me, your dead to me. And you don't know anything." I said tears streaming down my face.

"Ash, I know my uncle tried to kill your father. And it was your mother who died instead. Then your father died from heartbreak, and you want revenge, but you can't let it go to your head." Irene said softly.

"Fuck you. You don't know Jack. Did your precious family also tell you that your so called 'uncle' freaking raped me, your folks knew about it, and they didn't do anything about it? Oh, what's even better, you weren't listening when I told you that directly to your face? Huh? Did you ever realize that there was something wrong with me? No. Because all u care about is your 'perfect family'. " I said eyes flaming.

"Ash...I swear..." she said putting her hands in surrender.

"No don't waste your time. Speaking of time..." I told her looking at my watch.

"You'll get caught ...: Irene said trying to be smart.

"Not if your dead...which you will be in 60 seconds." I called out smiling mischievously.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Irene asked cocking her head slightly to the side, obviously confused.

"Oh,, 30 seconds. Look behind you." I said looking her dead in the eyes. She looks behind her and a man stabs her. She falls to the floor and looks at me. I wave him off and he leaves the room.

"How could you do this to me." she asked crying.

"What? Did you think we were actually friends?" I responded laughing.

"No I thought we were more than that. You were like my sister." she admitted breathing rapidly.

"Sisters? Oh, then I must be one hell of a sister." I said amused. I turned around, and opened the drawer that held my father's prized possession. A Titanium Gold Desert Eagle in .440 Cor-Bon. Worth anywhere from $5000-$75,000. I took it out and felt it's heaviness in my hands. It was heavy, but it fit perfectly. I closed the drawer gently, and turned around. "Aaaaagh." I cried out in pain. I looked down at my leg, and see that Irene stabbed my thigh with a sharp object, and pulled it out.

"What? Did that hurt?" Irene asked..

"Oh, now you're really going to die." I said pointing my gun at her head.

"They're on their way...their coming for you." she wimpered.

"They'll never catch me. Goodbye, 'sister'!!!! Hahahaha." I laughed maniacally. Then I cocked the gun, and pulled the trigger. Irene just layed there in a pile of her own blood. I sat down right next to her, and wiped her hair from her face. It was sticky with the blood coming from her forehead and onto the floor. I looked in the mirror that was in front of us. I looked at the monster that's been created by everything that I've held inside. I look, and all I see is myself, but not the me that I wanted to be. It was the me that everyone warned me about. It was the broken me that wanted to hurt everyone just to restore myself. But it only made things worse. How could I have done that? And to my best friend? What was I thinking. Irene never deserved any of that. She was right, I was jealous. I was jealous of how she still had a family, and I had nothing. I had nothing. Not even my best friend. Because I killed her. Because I was stupid, and I killed her. But I didn't think anyone would catch me.

"They'll never catch me. They'll never catch me." I repeated over and over again, bringing my head to my knees and rocking back and forth. And when they came for me, I was still saying it. When I arrived at the hospital I was still saying it. I only stopped when you asked me to come talk. Now I'm going to die. But as you put me to die, I will be saying "I'm sorry" until the last moment when I take my last breath.

Seraphina, Lilith, and The Dark Lord...

She opened her eyes, and looked around. She couldn't see anyone she knew around her. In fact, as far as she could see, there was no one around her. She began to sit up, looking at what she was wearing. Her favorite yellow and black plaid skirt, which was ripped on the side almost up to the elastic. And a shirt that said "Beauty queen". It didn't quite seem to fit her, but it was all she had on. It barely covered the bra she had on underneath, but at least it was something.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" She asked quietly, knowing that no one would hear her. She began to stand up, but then fell back down because of her wobbly legs. She tried again, but fell on her face again. She tried one more time, and she finally did it, she stood up, and didn't fall. "Oh thank the Lord." she said.

Suddenly goosebumpbs popped up out of the blue, and she heard sticks breaking. An owl, who looked as soft as a white pomeranian, swooped down and went right passed her face hooting loudly. She began to hyperventilate even though she was outside. The wind picked up, and the way the moon looked at her, almost warning. She suddenly got scared, really scared. And as she turned around, something picked her up. But when she looked it was nothing, but she was floating.

"Haha, my child.When will you learn to never use that word in my presence?" a woman said. She turned the poor girl around, and she saw what the woman looked like.

"Mom?" the girl asked.

"Seraphina. I wasn't expecting you for awhile." her mother said.

"Mom...I thought you were dead?" Seraphina said. Her mother slowly let her down, and told Seraphina to follow her. They made their way up a path, that led to a little shack. She let Seraphina in, and locked the door.

"Seraphina, my daughter, I didn't want you here until it was time.." her mother said.

'Mom, I have no idea what you're talking about." Seraphina said, confused. "And wait, back there you said never to use that word in your presence. What word?"

"Oh Seraphina" her mom said fixing something in the kitchen area. "You know, that horrid word. The one to describe what everyone calls the man above."

"Lord?" Seraphina asked

"Nooo...don't say thay that word in my home." she yelled out. "If the Dark Lord finds out that HIS name has been used, I-I-I-I'll need to give him something." she looks around. Then up at me. "Perhaps you, darling." she says smiling.

"Me? Oh, no. You must be crazy, I'm not giving the devil my soul. Mom, I'm supposed to be the role model in town. I'm the one that does nothing wrong. You are crazy." Seraphina said backing away.

"Sweetheart, don't think of him as the devil, but your savior..."her mom said.

"Ha, savior? No, Jesus Christ is my savior. You are on crack." Seraphina said and looked at her mother with a look that matched the words she just said.

"Seraphina. You are a witch. You do not worship that FRAUD." her mother yelled.

"Mother. I am NOT a witch, I am NORMAL, and I worship Jesus Christ. Does that OFFEND you?" Seraphina yelled back.

"Do I have to silence you, my dear? I've been watching you. And maybe it's time for me to tell you..." Her mother said.

"...Tell me what exactly...?" Seraphina asked with a pissed off look.

And right in front of her eyes, her mother transformed, into an even more beautiful woman. Her skin as white as a dove on a cold winter's day. Hair as black as, well...nothing anyone has ever seen before. And she's wearing a midnight blue dress, and black heels.

"Who...are you?" Seraphina asks scared.

"Well, my dear. I am Lilith. And I am to take you to my lover. And my savior. Try not to disappoint him..." she said casually.

Lilith moved a desk aside, and started chanting something. She tapped her long fingers against the wall, and the shack started shaking. Suddenly bursts of blue and orange and green and black and purple and orange and red came out of the wall. And a circle appeared. It seemed to grow bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. Until stopped. And instead of the outside forest, on the other side of the shack it was a room. That looked almost exactly like the room she was in now. Except in that room, the light was a dimmed red, in the room she was at, the light dimmed blue.

"Come, child." Lilith said speaking in a low, but calm tone.Seraphina followed her and right after she stepped through, there was no sign of the blue dimmed room that she was almost familiar with.


"My Dark Lord, please, I've offered her as sacrafice." Lilith said smiling.

A shadow came closer and closer...And Seraphina could feel that it was right behind her.

"Turn around child..." the Dark lord said. So she did, and what happened next made Seraphina......

"Hahahahaha....." Seraphina laughed.

Lilith and the goat looked at each other.

"What is wrong with her?" The Dark Lord Asked. But all Seraphina could hear was "Baaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Seraphina laughed until she fell to the floor and didn't stop until she couldn't laugh anymore. She shut her eyes, and when she opened them, she was in her own bed. In her own room. With her own sisters. And when her father came in, she told him everything.

"It was just a dream. Nothing but a dream!" He said holding her tight. Then he gave her a kiss on the forehead. He was 6'4, white with brown curly hair. He had 4 freckles on each cheek, and a dimple on the right. When he walked into his study, the computer chair whirled around.

"Hello, Tom." The woman said.

"Lilith...." He said before embracing her, not quite believing his own eyes

"I'm here my dear, I'm here..." She said smiling kissing him."But you won't be for long" she whispered in a low voice that he could barely hear.

"What was that?' He asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all...." she said smiling mischievously..

The Phone Call...

"Yes?" you ask on the other line.

"Chris, girl, I need to tell you something." I say hoping you'll want to hear.

"Is it storytime?" you ask

"Something like that.." I say smiling

"Tell me" you begged.

"Okay..." I begin

" So, there I was in class...

I was just sitting down, and this guy sat down right next to me. At first I didn't notice him until he tapped me on the shoulder. And when I looked up, I swear to God, I saw the face of an angel. He started talking, and I was so confused, because there he is, the cutest guy I have ever seen. Brown curly hair, piercing green eyes, 2 freckles on each check and a dimple on his right. He was wearing these glasses that made him look absolutely amazingly hot. And his muscles were seeping through the plaid short sleeve button up he had on. But this is what confused me.

He was talking, but I couldn't hear him. I kept repeating over and over again "what?" and he just smiled everytime. Then finally, he...he..he laughed. At me. He laughed, at me. The next thing he did was...well I didn't expect it. He took his hands, and brought them to my face, and when his fingers brushed my chin, I was completely in shock and started blushing immedietly. He then pulled my earbuds out of my ears.

'Can you hear now?' he asked.

'Oh, yeah, haha. I'm so sorry, I forgot I had those in.' I told him.

'It's okay. I was just..uh wondering if you could help me with this...project...' he said shyly.

'P-p-project? Yeah sure..I-I- I mean, what's it for?' I ask confused, my eyes sparkling.

'Just a little project that no one knows about. You just need to answer some questions..' he said leaning in to whisper.

'Q-questions? Yeah, sure.' I said smiling.

'Okay, well meet me by the cafeteria after school, we'll walk somewhere and talk.' he said as the bell rang.

'Okay' I said very meekly even though I knew he couldn't hear me.

When after school came, I went to stand near the cafeteria. He was there waiting. When he saw me, his face turned into a smile. His eyes lighting up.

'Hey you came.' he said walking towards me.

'Yeah. Look, I don't even know your name' I tried saying.

'But you still came. And I don't know your name either.' he responded with a smile.

'Oh, I guess not.' i reply with a little giggle.

'Well, I'm Mazon.' he said extending his hand.

'Jazzy' I replied taking it. I felt the warm sizzle of a new beginning when I touched his hand. He suddenly took my hand and started running, dragging me along with him. I tried asking where we were going but could never get past the first word, so I just gave up. After about five minutes, we come to a stop, and we're at this big giant willow tree. I let go of his hand and walked to the tree.

'It's beautiful.' I said admiring the tree and the view.

'So are you.' he said grabbing my hand and pulling me near. And as he's pulling me near, he says something else, but I can't hear him.

'What?' I ask, confused.

'I said, too bad you're gonna be dead.' he said with a wicked grin on his face.

'Dead? No. I'm too young to die..' I said trying to persuade him otherwise.

'No you don't understand, you need to die..' he said getting angry, and worried.

'Why do I need to die?' I asked him.

'I need to bring back Bethany, and you're the only way' he admitted solemnly.

'Who's Bethany?' I asked curiously.

'My sister. She's dead...because of your sister.

'Liz has been dead longer than your sister has, so you're not making sense.' I pointed out.

' Bethany, she used to come see Liz all the time. Then one day, she stopped, and the next day, she died.' he said sadly.

'And thats my family's fault how?' I ask annoyed.

'It's always been your family's fault.." he yelled getting aggravated.

' Mazon, you can't bring her back...' I try saying, but then at that moment, he pushes me and I fall to the ground. He kept coming closer, so I backed away, further and further. And then I stood up, trying to get around him. He just laughed, and pushed me. I fell..."

"Jazzy, you just made that up." you say.

"I'm not finished...

He just laughed, and pushed me. I fell...and then I hit something soft. I opened my eyes, and I was back in my room. It was all a dream."

"What a dream." you say laughing.

"But Chris, there's something super crazy." I say being serious.

"What?" She asks curiously.

" I had that dream lastnight, right? It's now almost time for bed for this night. Well..... In my biology class, a new student transferred in, today. And he was sooo cute, and he had piercing green eyes, curly brown hair, two freckles on each cheek and a dimple on his right. He had these glasses that made him look nice. He introduced himself as Mazon. " I say freaked.

"Jazzy, are you serious? That's crazy." You say laughing.

"I know, what's crazier, is he uh..." I start saying

"He what?" You ask curious.

"He happens to be my uh...biological brother..." I say my voice trailing off.

"Isn't your bio family dangerous?" you ask

"Yes. " I say. Then at that moment, all I hear on the phone is a scream, and the disconnection

"I'm sorry Chris, I'm so so sorry!" I whisper into the phone, even though I know she's already gone.

In A Perfect World..

In a world not far away from our own, their lived this perfect couple. They had the most white people names. John and Annie, and they had the perfect bodies. Their skin was the most perfect shade of white a white person could get. They had blonde hair, straight may I add, and crystal clear blue eyes. They lived in a perfect white house, with a white picketed fence. They had two perfect children. They named the girl Brittney, and the boy Brad. The children never misbehaved. All was calm in the world, as the Founder wanted it to be. That was, my dear children, until Robbie Landrows came around.

Brittney and Brad were playing at the play ground. Climbing up the trees, and sliding down the trunk. Picking fake flowers from the fake grass. They weren't paying attention, so they accidentally bumped into Mr. Landrows.

"Oh, sir, sorry sir." Brittney and Brad said in unison.

'Oh, you're fine. What do you have there kiddos?"

"Some flowers!" Brittney said.

"Those aren't flowers. That's not even real."

"Of course they're real, sir." Brad stated.

"No, come here both of you. THIS" he pulls out a real live sunflower, roots still attached."This is a flower."

Brad and Brittney stared at it with wonder and curiosity. Robbie gave them the flower, and they went home.They showed their mother, and their father. Annie, just seeing it once, did the unexpected. She died. No, literally. Her eyes rolled back, and she fell to the floor, her heart beat came to a stop, and she was...gone. John looked at it, and took it from the twins. He threw it out. There automatically came a sound from the main wall.

"Hands, infected, hands infected. Dead body, prepare the fire. Dead body prepare the fire."

The robots cleaning up the floor and removing the corpse of Annie McClellan.

"You kids are to never put your hands on a monstrosity of this sort. Understand?"

"Yes Papa." They both said in unison.

But the next day, they wet back to the park and saw Mr. Landrows sitting by a tree.

"Mr. Landrows, the flower killed our mother...what do you have that can kill our father?" Brittney said.

"It wasn't the flower, it was the aliveness of the flower. You're mother was never really...alive. Yes, physically, but not in any other way. You're father on the other hand.." He took out a boom box. "Give this to him."

So they took it, and went home.

"Papa, we brought you something." Brad said. They brought the boom box to him, and pressed play. Because the father had very sensitive ears, the boom box played so loud the muscles and veins inside his ears popped, and spread to his brain. He fell on the couch, and didn't move.

"Hands infected, hands infected. Dead body, prepare the fire. Dead body, prepare the fire." The wall said. SO the little robots carried the father over to the flames and threw him in.

The next day the kids went back to the old man.

"Papa is dead. What do you have for us?"

The old man was so confused. He didn't mean to kill them. Just for them to enjoy real life. He slowly pulled out a match from his pocket.

"This is all I have left."

"Thank you Mr. Landrows. Good Luck." Brittney and Brad said at the same time. When they got home, they lit candles, and everything. They were so mesmerized. Suddenly flames exploded into every room. What dd the kids do? They went to the couch and sat down. Smiling. And holding each other's hand.

"Goodbye brother."

"Goodbye sister"

And the flames engulfed them both. In the background, you just hear the wall come to a stop.

"Dead body prepare the fire. Dead body, prepare the fir-" And all was silent.


It was October 31, 2012, Halloween, and I went walking down the street. I always passed by that one place. The taunting of the screams inside the building. The building that I walked in and out of everyday. Everyday was a new day. The sun never shining my way but I was still alive and breathing. I stopped right in front of the building telling myself today will be the day that I tell Master I am leaving...for good. I've been trying it since 2008, but I'm sure today is the day.

I opened the door to the building and stepped inside. The musty walls on my sides and the floorboards beneath my feet make me want to throw up. I also felt sick when coming in and out. The narrow hallway seemed to get even narrower every time I walked through, I knocked on his door. And it opened. The hinges creaked slowly and and the knob broke off.

"Can you come in without trashing everything?" he said to me.

"Sorry Master," I had said.

"Whatever...get my bath going."

"Yes master." I obeyed. I went to go get his bath ready,

He stripped all his clothes off, and I could see all his tattoos. He had gotten more since the last time I saw him. Which was a few days beforehand. It was the twenty-sixth. His old saggy body shuffled quietly to the soapy, hot running water.


"Josie...I didn't give u permission to speak."

"Yes sir."

He had a look on his face like he was dreadfully sorry, and his arm grabbed me and started pulling my near him.I grabbed the closest thing I could find. A bottle of bleach....It was already opened, so I splashed it in his eyes, and grabbed the toilet plunger and smashed it on his face. I drowned him.

I dragged his body to the kitchen where I grinded him up and baked him into meatloaf. I drained the water in the tub, and patted it dry. I put the bleach back where it belonged. I threw his clothes in the food disposal. And took the meatloaf out of the oven.

Someone knocked on the door, so I went to go answer it. A policeman was at the door. Tall, brawny, Asian. My cup of tea.

"Hi officer."

"Miss Josie.."

"What can I help you with"

"Have you seen Mr. Branwell."

"No sir, he hasn't come back yet.."

"Do you mind if I search the place?"

"Go ahead officer."

SO he searches the whole place, and doesn't seem to find anything out of the ordinary. Just the same musty old room Mr. Branwell had.

"How did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Kill Branwell?"

"I don't share my recipes."


Then I flung a knife at him. And in a matter of minutes he, too was grinded and made into meatloaf. Two more officers came by, and they couldn't find anything. SO I sat them down.

"Please eat some. I made it for Mr. Branwell, but if he's not coming, I mustn't waste it. Please."

"Yes Ma'am." They had said in unison. And they ate the meatloaf up like there was no tomorrow. And they never knew it was me, or the fact that they were eating two people they were both quite familiar with. I just stood laughing silently knowing I'd never be caught,

The Family Business

"Well, aren't you going to get out?" Ben asks from beside me in the car.

Ben is my fiance. He 6'1, dark curly black hair, and the eyes of little boy lost in the gleam of the sunshine on the hills. His broad shoulders framed the way for his muscular biceps and 6 pack, poking through his bright red button-up. He's wearing his black pants I bought him just a few months ago. His black vans matching his outfit altogether. Tonight is the night where he meets my family...under certain circumstances.

"Yeah. I am. I just don't want to." I say holding onto him. "I want to hold onto you forever."

"I know Alison. But we have to get in there."

"You're right. Let's go." I say letting go of him. And opening up my door. My silky red dress barely touches the ground, which I'm thankful for my 4-inchers seeing as without them, my dress would be ruined. We made our way up the driveway, and onto the porch. I grabbed my keys from my purse that was slung on my shoulder, and put them in the keyhole.

"Theresa, Thomas, I'm here. Ben is too." I yell completely not in the mood. I hear voices in the back yelling, and then suddenly stop. Footsteps come closer, and closer.

"Oh Alison, you're here." Theresa, my mother says. Thomas just gives me the eye roll.

"Ben, this is Theresa, my mother, and Thomas..." I say introducing them.

"Hi Ben. Hopefully Alison hasn't given you any trouble." Theresa says.

"No Mrs. Bubleton." Ben says thoughtfully.

"Mr. Bradworth, how is life with the whore?"

"Whore? What? You must be mistaken?"

"No Mr. Bradworth, you must be mistaken." Thomas says giving an evil eye.

"Forgive my husband, Ben, he's out of it."

"No you're out of it Theresa." Thomas yells.

Then they both start yelling at each other, and Ben gives me those lost boy eyes that only come out when he is worried. I touch his arm, and grab the nearest glass item. A round vase, seems good enough. I throw it at the wall. It shatters making the loudest sound in the whole house. And everyone becomes quiet. Then the lights dim, and falter ever so slightly. There is nothing but silence, and darkness. And then I feel something touching my leg. I scream, and the lights turn back on.

I look around to see what caused me to scream. There's Theresa, there's Thomas, and there's...Ben...lying dead on the floor, a puddle of blood surrounding him. Coming from his neck, as if someone slit his throat open.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, NOT AGAIN!!" I say yelling. I look at them both, and they back away heads down, not going to say anything.

"Theresa? Thomas? This was my fifth one this year. What is wrong with you?" I yell directly in their faces, making sure that my words were extra salivating so the spit would go in their eyes.

"It wasn't us...this time.." Theresa says defensively.

"Oh? THIS TIME?" I ask in complete shock and amusement.

"What do we do?" Theresa asks. Thomas looks with curiosity too.

"Do what you've done with Liam, Gerald, Percival, and Christian. Prepare the furnace." I say not liking my own idea.

"Arent you going to help?" Thomas asks.

"Oh. Hell. No. I didn't touch him."

"Well where are you going?' Theresa asks.

"To find myself a new man, hopefully you guys won't murder him too." I say walking away.

"Well okay. Merry Christmas."

"Oh yeah, Merry Fucking Christmas to me. We're just a jolly family. Just goin around killing people. Yay how fun. That's a great story that I will want to tell my kids when they grow up. 'Hey kids, my beloved children, let me tell you what Grandma ad Grandpa did every time I tried to get married? They fought, and they would kill the guy I was supposed to marry. You wanna join the family business too?' No, you guys disgust me. I'm surprised you haven't killed each other yet."

"Oh we've tried, it never worked." Thomas says solemnly.

"Ugh. That disgusts me. I'm leaving." I say walking to the door again.

"Alison? You must remember something."

"And what's that?" I ask.

"You're the one holding the bloody knife in your hand." Theresa says. Thomas smiles in agreement.

I look down, and see what I've been holding in my hand this whole time. It's a bloody knife....and my hand is covered in the blood. I quickly drop it and scream. I jump back and start going hysterical. I can hear the rain beating really hard, and the thunder in the sky booming louder than a shotgun. I look up and see Theresa and Thomas coming towards me.

"Welcome to the family business Alison. You're finally one of us." They say walking towards me all creepily. I scream, and the lights go out one last time.

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