Two Kinds of People: My Pet Peeves


You know that feeling you have when something isn't....right??? Like you get this eerie feeling. You get that itch on your head. The bumbs on your arms and legs pop out. You get this straining in your throat. And lastly....the EYE TWITCH.

Lately, there have been things that...make this...a problem. Usually I am fine with everyone, and anyone, I don't mind people. I love making new friends. I love the connection with people around me. But it takes just one person to ruin everything.

I don't like two kinds of people. People that make things all about themselves, and people who talk crap about anyone and everyone just to make themselves seem like the center of attention. Okay like I get it, you need attention, everyone does, but like sometimes it's just too much.

There's the one person that you go to school with, and they mess up doing something. Then they start crying about it. Last time I checked, everyone screws up, so crying over something extremely stupid like messing up...that's just...idk. I mean unless you screwed up because you did something that affected your whole life and everyone is watching you intently. I mean then, I guess you kinda have a right. Oh wait, that's not even the worst part. The next day that same person is completely fine, but then all of the sudden, they just start crying about what happened the day before. "Oh feel bad for me, please" No, it doesn't work that way. It just doesn't.

There's that other person that you know, but you're not friends with really. You don't do anything, or give them any reason not to like you, but they find some way. Sometimes it's jealousy, sometimes it's guilt, and sometimes, it's because they are going through something, but they want to seem like a perfect angel, and so they take it out on everyone else. They make you feel like you did something wrong, when in didn't. They talk just to talk. They talk crap about you, even when they know it's not the truth. But then again, who cares about truth right? It's all about what makes you likable. When someone sees you have power, you. And when you don't, you become the little mouse they bump on the head all the time. It's frustrating sometimes. I hate it.

I hate these kind of people. They don't know when enough is enough. They can't help themselves. It's a game for them. And that is my biggest pet peeve. Dealing with these kinds of people single-handed. I mean it's not like it makes a one believes me anyway, right? I mean nothing's going to happen to change that, because that's just the way society is. These people....they make everything, about them. Whether it's making themselves better than everyone else, or making everyone feel bad for them. It's all the same.

This kind of ties in with my previous post on "The Truth About Normality". I get that maybe that's who the person is, but why does everyone else have to be affected by these people? I just...I don't know, I get this feeling when dealing with people like this. It's like the feelings described above, along with my stomach turning inside out and twisting so tight, and then untwisting itself, and returning to normal. I don't know, it's weird, but that's the feeling I get.

I'm just going to close off saying this now. These people need to be reminded of who they are. They need to see someone in action and actually doing these things. So then they can finally seeing how irritating it is, and how it actually hurts people. I think everyone has the ability to better themselves, and honestly one day no one is going to be there to let them complain. Everyone has the opportunity to change... I'm not saying that you need to change, all I'm saying is that there are actions that people cause that don't necessarily need to be caused. Just think about what you're about to do, before it turns into chaos, and it all comes back to bite you in the butt. It's as simple as that...

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